
🐣🐥🐤🐔 【無激素雞喺網店有得買啦!】

好開心LFC家庭增添小成員🤰🤱👶!我哋成員近日弄瓦之喜👧💋,再次提醒我哋創業初心,為人父母‍👨‍👩‍👧‍👦想比小朋友同屋企人最安全健康嘅食物🍗🥗。所以我哋今日開始喺網店上架呢隻新品牌泰國無激素雞🐔,大家可以直接上網買喇: 💻 https://lafrescachifu.com/a/l/tw/collections/culinary-ingredients


好開心LFC家庭增添小成員🤰🤱👶!我哋成員近日弄瓦之喜👧💋,再次提醒我哋創業初心,為人父母‍👨‍👩‍👧‍👦想比小朋友同屋企人最安全健康嘅食物🍗🥗。所以我哋今日開始喺網店上架呢隻新品牌泰國無激素雞🐔,大家可以直接上網買喇: 💻 https://lafrescachifu.com/a/l/tw/collections/culinary-ingredients


Sushi & Sashimi

It brings me immense happiness being able to reach out to you for the first time. I am Redcalf from La Fresca Chifu (“LFC”), a devoted food critic who loves food as well as the stories behind them. I hope you would like reading my blogs and share my excitement for acquiring fantastic knowledge about delicacies. Let’s begin with the two typical choices when you order fresh Japanese food, namely sashimi and sushi.  



It brings me immense happiness being able to reach out to you for the first time. I am Redcalf from La Fresca Chifu (“LFC”), a devoted food critic who loves food as well as the stories behind them. I hope you would like reading my blogs and share my excitement for acquiring fantastic knowledge about delicacies. Let’s begin with the two typical choices when you order fresh Japanese food, namely sashimi and sushi.  



La Fresca Chifu 正式開張

大家好!我是美食家 Alfred,很高興能在La Fresca Chifu (LFC) 這個平台與大家交流。隨著食材網購普及化,「宅食煮意」成為全球的新常態。因此,我和幾位志同道合的朋友在2019年創辦LFC,為您帶來一系列的優質刺身和食材,務求令您得到滿意的「宅食煮意」體驗,更重要的是,讓您和摯愛家人透過一同準備餐宴,增添美好的相聚時光。


大家好!我是美食家 Alfred,很高興能在La Fresca Chifu (LFC) 這個平台與大家交流。隨著食材網購普及化,「宅食煮意」成為全球的新常態。因此,我和幾位志同道合的朋友在2019年創辦LFC,為您帶來一系列的優質刺身和食材,務求令您得到滿意的「宅食煮意」體驗,更重要的是,讓您和摯愛家人透過一同準備餐宴,增添美好的相聚時光。
